ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING Company has successfully passed the audit of the quality management system of Gazprom PJSC

Last year, ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING LLC took part in INTERGAZCERT certification for the first time. The system was created by Gazprom PJSC in 2016 in order to confirm the functional and quality indicators of products supplied by Russian companies.

During the quality management system certification, which is implemented at the enterprise and which allows us to ensure the production of high-quality products on time for a number of complex domestic oil and gas chemical industries, ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING company confirmed the declared competencies and, taking into account the recommendations of highly qualified experts of the Gazprom certification agency — CORPORATE CENTER "PERSPECTIVE PROJECTION", improved a number of processes and minimized the risks of inconsistencies.

The successful experience of passing facultative certification of ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING was presented by the certification agency during the XII St. Petersburg International Gas Forum this year.

We would like to express our appreciation to our colleagues for their highly professional approach and attention to detail. Our company's participation in the INTERGAZSERT facultative certification system has allowed us to reach a qualitatively new level of service provision and production output.


ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING Company has successfully passed the audit of the quality management system of Gazprom PJSC